Sarasota Orchestra Music Center at Payne Park 3.1
Sarasota Orchestra in Payne Park redux; Oh, for Heaven's Sake! At the Nov 6 2023 City Commission meeting, this was somehow brought up again, with several commissioners wishing to revisit the issue of the Orchestra relocating In The City. But following this discussion, a Nov 15 letter from the Orchestra said no, reiterating their plan for building their new Center on the lot they have purchased out on Fruitville near the Interstate.
March 25 2022 Herald Tribune article reports that Sarasota Orchestra is purchasing a parcel out on Fruitville, across from Lowes, to construct their new Music Center. Thus, Payne Park location is definitively off the table.
Sept 9 2021 Observer article reports that Sarasota Orchestra definitively will not be looking to build in Payne Park. Also see Opinion article in Aug 29, 2021 Herald Tribune by Commissioner Liz Alpert advocating original proposal for new Sarasota Orchestra Music Center being built on 7 acres of Payne Park.
Nov 2023 Sarasota Orchestra in Payne Park redux 3.2? Oh, for Heaven's Sake! At the Nov 6th City Commission meeting, this was somehow brought up again, with several commissioners wishing to revisit the issue of the Orchestra relocating In The City. But following this discussion, a Nov 15 letter from the Orchestra said no, reiterating their plan for building their new Center on the lot they have purchased out on Fruitville near the Interstate.
Sarasota Orchestra Music Center at Payne Park 2.0
June 16 2021 The Preserve Payne Park Coalition reports that the Sarasota Orchestra has decided not to pursue Payne Park as a location for their new Music Center development.
May 6th See the Sarasota Observer article, which gives the latest information...
April 1st update (no joke): Sarasota Orchestra, in March31 memo to City, officially rejects all options for locations within City limits except their original request to use 7 acres -- and they MUST have SEVEN acres -- of Payne Park.
2021 Update: Sarasota Orchestra new Music Center local site proposals in the news again.
Back in 2019 a proposal was made to build in part of Payne Park, displacing the tennis courts. This proposal was discussed thoroughly and then soundly rejected. This is in the news again now: a vague, different concept of the possibility of a site ON OR NEAR Payne Park. (Feb 3 and Feb 12 Observer, and Feb 16 and March 3 Herald-Tribune articles.) News articles state that the Orchestra itself has NOT been actively pursuing this option.
City Commission held discussion at their March 1, 2021, meeting, on allowing City and Orchestra to explore possibilities including "in and around Payne Park," voting 4-1 to explore future possibilities in the City limits including IN Payne Park.
One essential aspect of the opposition to taking part of the park for a 7-acre Music Center building (Preserve Payne Park Coalition is leading the way) is the stipulation in the original Deed from Calvin and Martha Payne to the City, 1920's, that the use of the land is restricted to "park and kindred uses." Interpretation of this clause is under both public and legal review...
Info from 2019
The City Commission met on May 20 2019 to discuss this proposal. The Commission voted to continue the search for a site for the Orchestra, looking elsewhere than Payne Park.
Standing room only in the chamber, & filling TWO overflow rooms; the meeting lasted until almost 2am, including about 75 members of the public speaking on many aspects and both sides of the proposal. (It was 5-1/2 hours before i was called for my 3-minute input [Linda Kitch].) Anyhow, as always, you can view the meeting video on the City web site "Meetings" page.
Background on Issue:
Sarasota Orchestra proposed building their new Music Center in Payne Park.
The initial 2019 proposal is no longer posted on the Sarasota Orchestra website.
For information on opposing this proposal, see
On March 12, 2019 at City Hall, Sarasota Orchestra held its initial public, community engagement workshop to discuss its proposed plan for locating at Payne Park. The standing-room-only crowd voiced much opposition to the siting of the new Music Center in Payne Park, predominantly on the basis of displacement of the Tennis Center and usurping green space in the park & City.
SO said they will work with community comments and schedule future workshops on this matter. Comments can be emailed to [email protected]
The City Commission met on May 20 2019 to discuss this proposal. The Commission voted to continue the search for a site for the Orchestra, looking elsewhere than Payne Park.
Standing room only in the chamber, & filling TWO overflow rooms; the meeting lasted until almost 2am, including about 75 members of the public speaking on many aspects and both sides of the proposal. (It was 5-1/2 hours before i was called for my 3-minute input [Linda Kitch].) Anyhow, as always, you can view the meeting video on the City web site "Meetings" page.
Background on Issue:
Sarasota Orchestra proposed building their new Music Center in Payne Park.
The initial 2019 proposal is no longer posted on the Sarasota Orchestra website.
For information on opposing this proposal, see
On March 12, 2019 at City Hall, Sarasota Orchestra held its initial public, community engagement workshop to discuss its proposed plan for locating at Payne Park. The standing-room-only crowd voiced much opposition to the siting of the new Music Center in Payne Park, predominantly on the basis of displacement of the Tennis Center and usurping green space in the park & City.
SO said they will work with community comments and schedule future workshops on this matter. Comments can be emailed to [email protected]