Apartments at Temple Beth Sholom
This project proposes a high-density, 275-unit apartment building at the northwest corner of Tuttle & Bahia Vista.
One major community concern is the high-densification of our neighborhoods, with its inherent issues. A concern at this particular site is traffic: this 275-unit apartment building, right across from the Bahia Vista Apartments, a 250-unit apartment building now in construction, at the corner of Tuttle & Bahia Vista, an already "failed" intersection that backs up horribly, and often. How can this intersection and Bahia Vista Street accommodate ingress/egress for these additional 525 housing units?
Upcoming meetings for this development application:
Wed, Feb 5, 9am, City Hall, Development Review Committee meeting: Temple Beth Sholom Apartment development project Application Documents here (large), in two portions; the second portion pp 1-181 of 202 pages pertain solely to tree analysis. DRC meetings are to review technical details of application, not for public comments.
Feb 24 & Feb 25: Temple Beth Sholom Apartment development project Neighborhood Presentations. Joel Freedman will be presenting on this proposed 275-unit apartment building project, at corner Tuttle & Bahia Vista, at AVNA meeting Mon Feb 24, 7pm, YMCA, and at APNA (Arlington Park) meeting Tues Feb 25, 6pm, Arlington Park Gym. Bring your questions and comments!
This application proposes to subdivide the 10-acre property, with the north 4 acres retaining the synagogue; other buildings removed; relocated parking lots. On the south 6 acres, Gilbane to develop a 4-story, 275-unit apartment building (13 units "attainable") plus parking lot plus 433-car garage.
Rezone application for subdivision and rezone to multi-family high-density: 25-RE-04. Site Plan: 25-SP-06. Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Future Land Use Map: 24-PA-02. 1050 S. Tuttle. (There's a wee bit of confusion in public documents, sometimes titled Temple Beth Property Redevelopment, but sometimes Temple Beth Sholom Property Redevelopment, and sometimes a different address further south onTuttle.)
This project will go through the full "regular" development application process, with Planning Board, Development Review Committee, then City Commission meetings.
Community Workshop was August 2024: 24-CW-21, and minutes from that public discussion are included in 25-SP-06 Site Plan document (online), starting on page 35.
This application proposes to subdivide the 10-acre property, with the north 4 acres retaining the synagogue; other buildings removed; relocated parking lots. On the south 6 acres, Gilbane to develop a 4-story, 275-unit apartment building (13 units "attainable") plus parking lot plus 433-car garage.
Rezone application for subdivision and rezone to multi-family high-density: 25-RE-04. Site Plan: 25-SP-06. Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Future Land Use Map: 24-PA-02. 1050 S. Tuttle. (There's a wee bit of confusion in public documents, sometimes titled Temple Beth Property Redevelopment, but sometimes Temple Beth Sholom Property Redevelopment, and sometimes a different address further south onTuttle.)
This project will go through the full "regular" development application process, with Planning Board, Development Review Committee, then City Commission meetings.
Community Workshop was August 2024: 24-CW-21, and minutes from that public discussion are included in 25-SP-06 Site Plan document (online), starting on page 35.